Virtual Reality vs Hologram

Virtual Reality — As explained so many times in my past Virtual Reality posts. Virtual Realities are nothing but a virtually built world full of virtual objects which can be felt and experienced using a computerized virtual reality headset ( the Head Mounted Display (HMD)). All the objects and the world itself are being created and also directed earlier so that the user may experience the objects being real and get immersed into the virtual world. Virtual Reality right now targets 2 of our sensory organs that are none other than our eyes for immersive view experience and the skin to feel the virtual object in the virtual reality world. The feel of the virtual objects makes the virtual reality world more realistic to users. This is only possible due to the help of Haptic Technology. Now the haptic technology is nothing but a kind of pad that is being induced inside the VR consoles, which helps the console make the user feel the objects in the virtual world with the help of sonic wave vibration by sonic transducers.
Holograms — Holograms, on the other hand, are more realistic when you normally compare them with Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality. As many of us already watched some of the sci-fi movies where we saw the virtual 3D object floating on a portal-like thing that is nothing but the holographic image producer. But still, our world isn’t that technology evolved to have such a light portal that produces the holographic image. Normally looking at the holograms we can get to know that holograms are made using the diffraction and deviations of the light/beam which comes by passing from the given object and forming the image of it as this was discovered very early even before the discovery of the cameras.